VPP L2 Switching


VPP L2 Switching implements the typical 48-bit destination MAC addresses based packet forwarding function. Packet forwarding information is stored in the l2fib table. Below L2 features are supported:

  • Forwarding

  • MAC Learning

  • Flooding

The l2fib table starts out empty. Static table entries can be added manually. Additionally, the VPP switch can dynamically learn table entries while it switches frames.

When the VPP switch receives a frame, it will first record the source MAC and input interface into the l2fib. This is how VPP performs MAC learning. Next, VPP will determine which interface(s) to transmit the frame out on. VPP will look up the egress interface in the l2fib using the frame’s destination MAC address. If there is no entry matching the destination MAC address in the l2fib, then VPP will flood the frame out every interface connected on the same bridge domain.

This guide explains in detail on how to use the VPP based L2 switching using either memif or NIC interfaces. Other interfaces supported by VPP (e.g. veth) should follow a similar setup, but are not covered in this guide. Users can execute bundled scripts in the dataplane-stack repo to quickly establish the L2 switching cases or manually run the use cases by following detailed guidelines step by step.

Memif Connection

Shared memory packet interface (memif) is a software emulated Ethernet interface, which provides high performance packet transmit and receive between VPP and user application or multiple VPP instances.

In this setup, two pairs of memif interfaces are configured to connect VPP L2 switch instance and VPP based traffic generator. On VPP switch side, DPDK zero-copy memif interfaces are used for testing VPP + DPDK stack. On the VPP traffic generator side, VPP’s native memif interfaces are used for performance reason.


Memif connection


This setup requires at least three isolated cores for VPP workers. Cores 2 - 4 are assumed to be isolated in this guide.

Automated Execution

Quickly set up VPP switch/traffic generator and test L2 switching use case:

cd $NW_DS_WORKSPACE/dataplane-stack
./usecase/l2_switching/run_vpp_tg.sh -c 1,2,3
./usecase/l2_switching/run_vpp_sw.sh -m -c 1,4


  • Use -h to check scripts supported options.

  • The VPP traffic generator instance has to be started firstly since it is in memif server role.

After several seconds, examine VPP switch memif interfaces rx/tx counters and packet processing runtime:


Below is key output:

Name                              Idx    State  MTU (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)     Counter          Count
Ethernet0                         1      up          9000/0/0/0     rx packets              14321664
                                                                    rx bytes               916586496
Ethernet1                         2      up          9000/0/0/0     tx packets              14321920
                                                                    tx bytes               916602880
Thread 1 vpp_wk_0 (lcore 4)
Time 1.1, 10 sec internal node vector rate 256.00 loops/sec 47268.46
  vector rates in 1.2394e7, out 1.2394e7, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call
Ethernet1-output                 active              54453        13939968               0         5.40e-2          256.00
Ethernet1-tx                     active              54453        13939968               0         7.03e-1          256.00
dpdk-input                       polling             54453        13939968               0         4.28e-1          256.00
ethernet-input                   active              54453        13939968               0         2.33e-1          256.00
l2-fwd                           active              54453        13939968               0         1.66e-1          256.00
l2-input                         active              54453        13939968               0         1.54e-1          256.00
l2-learn                         active              54453        13939968               0         2.12e-1          256.00
l2-output                        active              54453        13939968               0         6.29e-2          256.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling                53               0               0          2.14e1            0.00


  • VPP Ethernet0 is the aliased name of the input memif interface in the example.

  • VPP Ethernet1 is the aliased name of the output memif interface in the example.

  • vector rates provide insights into the packet processing throughput of a specific node or function in VPP.

  • Vectors/Call measures packet processing efficiency in VPP as operations per function call for a specific node or function.

Stop VPP:


Manual Execution

Users can also set up VPP switch/traffic generator and test L2 switching case step by step.

VPP Traffic Generator Setup

Declare variables to hold the runtime directory and CLI socket for VPP traffic generator:

export runtime_dir_tg="/run/vpp/tg"
export sockfile_tg="${runtime_dir_tg}/cli_tg.sock"

Run a VPP instance as software traffic generator on cores 1-3:

cd $NW_DS_WORKSPACE/dataplane-stack/components/vpp/build-root/install-vpp-native/vpp/bin
sudo ./vpp unix {runtime-dir ${runtime_dir_tg} cli-listen ${sockfile_tg}} cpu {main-core 1 corelist-workers 2-3} plugins {plugin dpdk_plugin.so {disable}}

Create VPP memif interfaces and traffic flow with destination MAC address of 00:00:0a:81:00:02:

sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_tg} create memif socket id 1 filename /tmp/memif_dut_1
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_tg} create int memif id 1 socket-id 1 rx-queues 1 tx-queues 1 master
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_tg} create memif socket id 2 filename /tmp/memif_dut_2
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_tg} create int memif id 1 socket-id 2 rx-queues 1 tx-queues 1 master
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_tg} set interface mac address memif1/1 02:fe:a4:26:ca:ac
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_tg} set interface mac address memif2/1 02:fe:51:75:42:ed
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_tg} set int state memif1/1 up
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_tg} set int state memif2/1 up
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_tg} packet-generator new "{                              \
                                        name tg0                                     \
                                        limit -1                                     \
                                        size 60-60                                   \
                                        worker 0                                     \
                                        node memif1/1-output                         \
                                        data {                                       \
                                        IP4: 00:00:0a:81:00:01 -> 00:00:0a:81:00:02  \
                                        UDP: ->                \
                                        UDP: 1234 -> 2345                            \
                                        incrementing 8                               \
                                        }                                            \

VPP Switch Setup

Declare variables to hold the runtime directory and CLI socket for VPP switch:

export runtime_dir_sw="/run/vpp/sw"
export sockfile_sw="${runtime_dir_sw}/cli_sw.sock"

Run another VPP instance as L2 switch on cores 1 & 4, using DPDK zero-copy memif interfaces:

cd $NW_DS_WORKSPACE/dataplane-stack/components/vpp/build-root/install-vpp-native/vpp/bin
sudo ./vpp unix {runtime-dir ${runtime_dir_sw} cli-listen ${sockfile_sw}} cpu {main-core 1 corelist-workers 4} dpdk { no-pci single-file-segments dev default {num-tx-queues 1 num-rx-queues 1 } vdev net_memif0,role=client,id=1,socket-abstract=no,socket=/tmp/memif_dut_1,mac=02:fe:a4:26:ca:f2,zero-copy=yes vdev net_memif1,role=client,id=1,socket-abstract=no,socket=/tmp/memif_dut_2,mac=02:fe:51:75:42:42,zero-copy=yes }

For more VPP configuration parameters, refer to VPP configuration reference.

Configure DPDK memif interfaces and associate interfaces with a bridge domain:

sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} set int state Ethernet0 up
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} set int state Ethernet1 up
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} set interface l2 bridge Ethernet0 10
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} set interface l2 bridge Ethernet1 10

Add a static entry with MAC address 00:00:0a:81:00:02 and interface Ethernet1 to l2fib table:

sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} l2fib add 00:00:0a:81:00:02 10 Ethernet1 static

To display the entries of the l2fib table, use the command sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} show l2fib all. Here is a sample output for the static l2fib entry added previously:

    Mac-Address     BD-Idx If-Idx BSN-ISN Age(min) static filter bvi         Interface-Name
 00:00:0a:81:00:02    1      2      0/0      no      *      -     -             Ethernet1
L2FIB total/learned entries: 1/0  Last scan time: 0.0000e0sec  Learn limit: 16777216

For more detailed usage of VPP commands used above, refer to the following links:

To explore more on VPP’s available commands, please review VPP CLI reference.


Let VPP traffic generator instance start to send the traffic to VPP switch instance:

sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_tg} packet-generator enable-stream tg0

Then VPP switch instance will forward those packets out on output interface. To display VPP switch interfaces rx/tx counters, firstly clear interfaces counters by sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} clear interfaces. After several seconds, run the command sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} show interface. Here is a sample output:

Name                              Idx    State  MTU (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)     Counter          Count
Ethernet0                         1      up          9000/0/0/0     rx packets              50938112
                                                                    rx bytes              3260039168
Ethernet1                         2      up          9000/0/0/0     tx packets              50938112
                                                                    tx bytes              3260039168

To display packet processing runtime, firstly clear packet processing runtime statistics by sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} clear runtime. After several seconds, run the command sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} show runtime. Below is key output:

Thread 1 vpp_wk_0 (lcore 4)
Time 2.4, 10 sec internal node vector rate 256.00 loops/sec 46835.29
  vector rates in 1.2221e7, out 1.2221e7, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call
Ethernet1-output                 active             115248        29503488               0         5.49e-2          256.00
Ethernet1-tx                     active             115248        29503488               0         7.09e-1          256.00
dpdk-input                       polling            115248        29503488               0         4.32e-1          256.00
ethernet-input                   active             115248        29503488               0         2.25e-1          256.00
l2-fwd                           active             115248        29503488               0         1.66e-1          256.00
l2-input                         active             115248        29503488               0         1.76e-1          256.00
l2-learn                         active             115248        29503488               0         2.14e-1          256.00
l2-output                        active             115248        29503488               0         6.41e-2          256.00
unix-epoll-input                 polling               112               0               0          2.47e1            0.00


Kill VPP instances:

sudo pkill -9 vpp

Ethernet Connection

In this L2 switching scenario, DUT and traffic generator run on separated hardware platforms and are connected with Ethernet adapters and cables. The traffic generator could be software-based, e.g., VPP/TRex/TrafficGen running on regular servers, or hardware platforms, e.g., IXIA/Spirent Smartbits.


Ethernet connection

Find out which DUT interfaces are connected to the traffic generator. sudo ethtool --identify <interface_name> will typically blink a light on the NIC to help identify the physical port associated with the interface.

Get interface names and PCIe addresses from lshw command:

sudo lshw -c net -businfo

The output will look similar to:

Bus info          Device      Class      Description
pci@0000:07:00.0  eth0        network    RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller
pci@0001:01:00.0  enP1p1s0f0  network    MT27800 Family [ConnectX-5]
pci@0001:01:00.1  enP1p1s0f1  network    MT27800 Family [ConnectX-5]

Of the two interfaces connected to the traffic generator, arbitrarily choose one to be the input interface and the other to be the output interface. In this setup example, enP1p1s0f0 at PCIe address 0001:01:00.0 is the input interface, and enP1p1s0f1 at PCIe address 0001:01:00.1 is the output interface.

Automated Execution

Quickly set up VPP switch with input/output interface PCIe addresses on specified cores:

cd $NW_DS_WORKSPACE/dataplane-stack
./usecase/l2_switching/run_vpp_sw.sh -p 0001:01:00.0,0001:01:00.1 -c 1,2


Replace sample addresses in above command with desired PCIe addresses on DUT.

Configure traffic generator to send packets to VPP input interface with a destination MAC address of 00:00:0a:81:00:02, then VPP switch will forward those packets out on VPP output interface.

After several seconds, examine VPP switch DPDK interfaces rx/tx counters and packet processing runtime:


Below is key output:

 Name               Idx    State  MTU (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)     Counter          Count
local0               0     down          0/0/0/0
eth0                 1      up          9000/0/0/0     rx packets              25261056
                                                       rx bytes             37891584000
eth1                 2      up          9000/0/0/0     tx packets              25261056
                                                       tx bytes             37891584000
Thread 1 vpp_wk_0 (lcore 2)
Time 32.4, 10 sec internal node vector rate 15.94 loops/sec 1170803.77
  vector rates in 5.7792e6, out 5.7792e6, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call
dpdk-input                       polling          40083994       187040880               0          1.63e0            4.67
eth1-output                      active           11711018       187040880               0         1.28e-1           15.97
eth1-tx                          active           11711018       187040880               0         5.01e-1           15.97
ethernet-input                   active           11711018       187040880               0         6.72e-1           15.97
l2-fwd                           active           11711018       187040880               0         2.99e-1           15.97
l2-input                         active           11711018       187040880               0         2.67e-1           15.97
l2-learn                         active           11711018       187040880               0         4.63e-1           15.97
l2-output                        active           11711018       187040880               0         1.79e-1           15.97
unix-epoll-input                 polling             39107               0               0          7.89e0            0.00


  • VPP eth0 is the aliased name of the input interface, which is at PCIe address 0001:01:00.0 in the example.

  • VPP eth1 is the aliased name of the output interface, which is at PCIe address 0001:01:00.1 in the example.

Stop VPP switch:


Manual Execution

Users can also set up VPP switch and test L2 switching case step by step.

VPP Switch Setup

Declare a variable to hold the CLI socket for VPP switch:

export sockfile_sw="/run/vpp/cli_sw.sock"

Run a VPP instance as L2 switch on cores 1 & 2 with input/output interface’s PCIe addresses:

cd $NW_DS_WORKSPACE/dataplane-stack/components/vpp/build-root/install-vpp-native/vpp/bin
sudo ./vpp unix {cli-listen ${sockfile_sw}} cpu {main-core 1 corelist-workers 2} dpdk {dev 0000:01:00.0 {name eth0} dev 0000:01:00.1 {name eth1}}


Replace sample addresses in above command with desired PCIe addresses on DUT.

Bring two Ethernet interfaces in VPP switch up and associate them with a bridge domain:

sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} set interface state eth0 up
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} set interface state eth1 up
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} set interface l2 bridge eth0 10
sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} set interface l2 bridge eth1 10

Add a static entry with MAC address 00:00:0a:81:00:02 and interface eth1 to l2fib table:

sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} l2fib add 00:00:0a:81:00:02 10 eth1 static

To display the entries of the l2fib table, use the command sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} show l2fib all. Here is a sample output for the static l2fib entry added previously:

    Mac-Address     BD-Idx If-Idx BSN-ISN Age(min) static filter bvi         Interface-Name
 00:00:0a:81:00:02    1      2      0/0      no      *      -     -             eth1
L2FIB total/learned entries: 1/0  Last scan time: 0.0000e0sec  Learn limit: 16777216

For more detailed usage of VPP DPDK section used above, refer to the following link:


Configure traffic generator to send packets to VPP input interface eth0 with a destination MAC address of 00:00:0a:81:00:02, then VPP switch will forward those packets out on VPP output interface eth1.

To display VPP switch interfaces rx/tx counters, firstly clear interfaces counters by sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} clear interfaces. After several seconds, run the command sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} show interface. Here is a sample output:

 Name               Idx    State  MTU (L3/IP4/IP6/MPLS)     Counter          Count
local0               0     down          0/0/0/0
eth0                 1      up          9000/0/0/0     rx packets              25261056
                                                       rx bytes             37891584000
eth1                 2      up          9000/0/0/0     tx packets              25261056
                                                       tx bytes             37891584000

To display packet processing runtime, firstly clear packet processing runtime statistics by sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} clear runtime. After several seconds, run the command sudo ./vppctl -s ${sockfile_sw} show runtime. Below is key output:

Thread 1 vpp_wk_0 (lcore 2)
Time 31.7, 10 sec internal node vector rate 15.96 loops/sec 1174650.79
  vector rates in 5.7792e6, out 5.7792e6, drop 0.0000e0, punt 0.0000e0
             Name                 State         Calls          Vectors        Suspends         Clocks       Vectors/Call
dpdk-input                       polling          39295300       183270628               0          1.63e0            4.66
eth1-output                      active           11472326       183270628               0         1.28e-1           15.98
eth1-tx                          active           11472326       183270628               0         5.01e-1           15.98
ethernet-input                   active           11472326       183270628               0         6.72e-1           15.98
l2-fwd                           active           11472326       183270628               0         2.99e-1           15.98
l2-input                         active           11472326       183270628               0         2.67e-1           15.98
l2-learn                         active           11472326       183270628               0         4.63e-1           15.98
l2-output                        active           11472326       183270628               0         1.79e-1           15.98
unix-epoll-input                 polling             38337               0               0          7.90e0            0.00


Kill VPP switch:

sudo pkill -9 vpp


  1. VPP configuration reference

  2. VPP memif interface reference

  3. VPP set interface state reference

  4. VPP set interface l2 bridge reference

  5. VPP configuration dpdk section reference

  6. VPP CLI reference