# Copyright (c) 2022, Arm Limited.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
The Dataplane Stack provides users with solution reference
implementations of high performance user space networking functionalities
which would run on various Arm platforms.
End users interested in running these networking functions on Arm servers
may include networking software developers, Arm partners and their customers,
CPU performance analysts, CPU designers, and marketing team.
Target Platforms
Supported platforms
Current use cases have been validated in Ubuntu 20.04 distro on below
* Ampere Altra (Neoverse-N1)
Future Platforms
The solutions will be ported to more platforms in the future. The planned
platform includes:
* More silicon platforms - e.g., Neoverse-N2 server or embedded level CPUs,
mainly focus on network functions and performance on Arm CPUs.
* Fixed Virtual Platforms - FVP are complete simulations of an Arm system,
including processor, memory and peripherals. These are set out in a
"programmer's view", which gives a comprehensive model on which to
build and test users' software. FVP mainly focuses on verifying
network functions and CPU behavior analysis in the early IP design stage.
Solution Architecture
.. figure:: images/dataplane-stack-architecture.png
:align: center
Dataplane Stack solution architecture
This software mainly focuses on the dataplane network, as performance is of
the primary concerns in dataplane implementation on COTS servers, e.g.,
Ampere Altra, AWS Graviton3, Alibaba Yitian 710.
This project provides the networking functionalities based on some well-known
user space network open source projects:
* `DPDK `_:
acronym of Data Plane Development Kit, mostly runs in user space.
It comprises of libraries to achieve high I/O performance and reach high
packet processing rates, which are some of the most important features in
the networking area. It supports multi vendors and architectures, and runs
on variety of CPU architectures, e.g., Arm, Power, x86.
DPDK was created for the telecom/datacom infrastructure,
but today, it's used almost everywhere, including the cloud, data centers,
appliances, containers and more.
* `VPP `_:
acronym of Vector Packet Processor, is a fast and scalable layer
2-4 multi-platform network stack that provides out-of-the-box production
quality switch/router functionality. It runs in Linux user space on multiple
architectures including Arm, Power and x86 architectures.
The benefits of VPP are its high performance, proven
technology, modularity, flexibility, and rich feature set.
* `Snort `_:
is the foremost Open Source Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
in the world. Snort IPS uses a series of rules that help define malicious
network activity to find packets that match against
them and generates alerts for users.
Use Cases
Supported Use Cases
Currently, below use cases/features have been implemented and supported:
* VPP based IPv4 forwarding
* DPDK L3fwd based IPv4/IPv6 forwarding
* VPP based L2 switching
* VPP based TCP termination
* VPP based SSL proxy
Future Use Cases
The solutions will gradually expand with more functions and features.
The functions below are classified from functionality perspective, instead of
from software component or implementation perspective. For example, IPv4
routing function could be implemented using VPP L3 or DPDK L3 features, and
the firewall function could be provided using VPP ACL/Classifier or Snort3.
Certain use case has a large scope and may be implemented with multiple
software components and instances.
The implementation mechanism of each network function below will be described
in detail in later chapters in this documentation.
* **L2 Switching**
This is a typical L2 network function, including MAC learning, bridging,
cross-connect, flooding, VLAN, etc.
* **IPv4 Routing**
Forward packets to the next-hop IP by looking up the destination IP in the packets.
* **IPv6 Routing**
IPv6 is almost identical to IPv4 routing under CIDR. The major difference
is the addresses are 128-bit IPv6 addresses instead of 32-bit IPv4
* **NAT**
Network Address Translation (NAT) is a method of mapping an IP address
space into another by modifying network address information in the IP
header of packets while they are in transit across a traffic routing
device. This software covers the basic NAT functions, e.g., SNAT, DNAT.
* **VXLAN**
Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) is an encapsulation protocol that provides data center connectivity.
It uses tunneling to stretch Layer 2 connections over an underlying Layer 3
network. In data centers, VXLAN is the most commonly used protocol to
create overlay networks that sit on top of the physical network, enabling
the use of virtual networks.
* **IPSec**
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) is a framework of techniques used to
secure the connection over the network communication. The typical
encryption/decryption algorithms are covered in the implementation.
* **Firewall**
A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing
network traffic and permits or blocks data packets based on a set of
security rules. The typical security applications are demonstrated
based on some VPP and Snort3 security implementations.
* **TCP Termination**
This function is primarily based on VPP host-stack, and we investigate
the implementations with some other open source TCP/IP user software.
* **SSL Proxy**
The SSL proxies control Secure Sockets Layer – SSL traffic -to ensure
secure transmission of data between a client and a server. The SSL
proxy is transparent, which means it performs SSL encryption and
decryption between the client and the server.
* **Wireless Mid-haul or Back-haul**
Backhaul is better known than fronthaul. It refers to the connections
between a mobile network and a wired network that backhaul traffic from
disparate cell sites to a mobile switching telephone office.
Implement Consideration
This software aims to provide high-throughput packet processing software
stack and solutions to solve customer and partner use case in networking
applications. There are several considerations from technical perspective
in the implementation process:
* **Integrate DPDK, VPP and SNORT/Hyperscan**
As mentioned above, this software provides network functions based on
some open source projects, e.g., DPDK, VPP, Snort3 and scripts
to combine them together for a complete solution.
* **Execute on Arm**
The software is mainly implemented, validated, optimized and deployed on
Arm AArch64 architecture and platforms. The target platforms are listed
in later section.
* **Optimize for Arm architectures**
Some of above open source projects are well-supported in community,
including arch-specific compilation, community CI/CD, distro packages,
arch-specific optimization, etc. While some of the projects are yet to be
That's why the software has developed some scripts to resolve compilation
issues on Arm platforms, compile project source code with arch-specific
features, apply optimization patches done by Arm OSS Networking, deploy
optimal parameters tuned for specific Arm platforms, etc.
* **Integrate security libraries, e.g., OpenSSL, IPSec**
A group of protocols are supported in established use cases to set up
encrypted connections with the typical security libraries between devices.
It helps keep data sent over public networks secure.
* **Support hardware offloads**
The solution supports use cases that allow to offload some router features
onto the underneath hardware. This allows reaching wire speeds when routing
packets, which simply would not be possible with the CPU.
* **Validate with multiple traffic generator**
Currently, quickstart and user guide use IXIA traffic generator to validate
solution use cases. Some software packet generators are planned to be
supported and provided along with the solution software in the future, e.g.,
`TRex `_,
`DPDK Pktgen `_,
`Scapy `_.
The network functions that the project provided serves multiple purposes of:
* Showcase the integration of various components and act as proof of concept
to all stakeholders who care about network function feasibility on Arm.
* Allow for performance analysis/optimization with a solution that is close
to customers' production deployment.
* Provide customers with a out-of-the-box reference design for rapid design
Repository Structure
The code repository are stored in Arm GitLab arm-reference-solutions group,
with the link, https://gitlab.arm.com/arm-reference-solutions/dataplane-stack.
├── CHANGELOG.rst - Change notes for each releases
├── doc - Sphinx based documents
├── LICENSE.rst - License file of this project
├── MAINTAINERS - Maintainer recording of specific module/use-cases
├── Makefile - Compiling various components and documentation
├── setup.sh - Script to set up use case environment
├── README.md
├── patches - Patches for various components
├── usecase - Scripts to help set-up various use cases quickly
└── tools - Tools used to manage the project & traffic generators
The software is provided under an Apache 2.0 license (more details in
`Apache 2.0 `_
Contributions to the project should follow the same license.
This project has not put in place a process for contributions currently.
While proposals on new features, new use cases or any improvement are welcome
always. You are welcome to create Merge-Requests in project's Gitlab
`dataplane-stack `_
to demonstrate your ideas and suggestions. We will sincerely investigate your
proposals and provide feedback to you.
For bug reports, please submit an issue via GitLab repository
`dataplane-stack `_.
Please provide as much information as possible:
* Hardware information, including details on CPU, server, memory, disk,
NIC, etc.
* System configuration, like distro type and version, kernel version,
command line parameters, NUMA, huge-page setting
* Tools, e.g., compiler version, script tool version
* Use case topology and testing method
Feedback and Support
To provide feedback or to request support, please contact project maintainers
by email at dataplane-stack@arm.com, or check 'MAINTAINERS' file
in top directory of repository for module/feature/use-case specific maintainers.
Arm licensees may also contact Arm via their partner managers to request support.